













Thursday, October 23, 2008


1st Backpacking - Day 1 : I am on my way!

四月二十三号,期待的一天总算到了!可是我还是觉得时间过的好慢好慢......好不容易等到下午6:45,背起背包,我走了!哈...有点兴奋,还有点紧张,一直在想一路上会发生什么事,喜欢胡思乱想的我!我买了晚上8:45到玻璃市大草场(Padang Besar, Perlis)的火车票,在 KL Sentral 上车。要 到 KL Sentral,必须搭巴士到捷运站,然后搭捷运到 KL Sentral。我在巴士站等了将近45分钟,左看右看,怎么都看不到巴士的踪影?再看看对面马路,一堆堆的车停在那里动弹不得(康乐大道塞车情况严 重),唉,难道我“出走未成先失败”?!我担心自己赶不上火车,就问了同样在等巴士的陌生人,和她们一起搭德士到捷运站。

23rd of April, the day was finally here! The day I had been waiting for a long long time...when it was about 6:45pm, I took my backpack and guess what? Ciao~I was going for my adventure! I bought myself a 8:45pm train ticket from KL to Padang Besar, Perlis. It's a distance from my place to KL Sentral, I have to take a bus or cab to LRT station, then hope on a train to KL Sentral. I departed from my house around 6:45pm, and I thought I would be able to catch a bus to LRT station, but life isn't easy huh?
I had been waiting for 45 mins but there was still no trace of buses, terrible traffic jam on the road, what should I do? I was so terrified I couldn't make it in time! So, I decided to take a cab with 2 other Malays to LRT station.

马 来西亚的KTM (Keretapi Tanah Melayu)也是迟到大王,就像我朋友说的,KTM = Keretapi TakTentu Masa!他们不跟时间走,时间表对他们而言只是装饰品。到达 KL Sentral 的时候都已经8:30了,原本想吃晚餐的说,但是事情往往不能如你所愿,快步走到 KTM intercity 入口处(在 KL Sentral first floor),查票,上车,火车准时8:45出发!

Do you know what's KTM means? KTM=Keretapi Tak Tentu Masa (Train not on time). It was already 8:30pm when I arrived in KL Sentral. When the time I arrived, I asked around and looking for KTM intercity entrance (which is located at 1st floor) and I don't even have time for my dinner.

我买了火车上层位,在一个不是很大的空间里,拥有自己的小空间;这 就像我们活在这个世界,在同一个空间,拥有自己的一片空间,虽然互不认识,可是我们都存在,这时侯,相互尊重很重要!呼...好累可是很兴奋,心情一直悬 挂在高峰上!火车一路摇摇晃晃,躺在床上就像小时候躺在摇篮里一样,很舒服,很好睡!可是火车里头有点冷哦,要搭火车又怕冷的朋友记得带棉衣,穿长裤。

I have never taken a train before. This is a very new and fresh experience for me! You should try it if you have never taken a train before. My emotions and my feelings were kept hanging at a high peak on that day (too excited), made me feeling tired. I slept once I get onto my berth. It was a tiring day!



Everything was such a new experiences for me! First backpacking, first time taken a train...

KTM 火车网站 (KTM Railway)
- You may check schedules and book online.
- The web page is always experiences overload problem, the best time to book your ticket is actually mid-night.

RapidKL 巴士 (RapidKL Bus)
- KL public transportation web site
- You may check schedules and routes online.

Best Hotel Rates

Best Hotel Rates是一个独特的搜索引擎,消费者能通过它查找酒店房价和有无空房等情况,比较多家酒店商的报价。通过我们的服务,旅行者再也不必一家家地搜索网站以寻找最佳交易和最低价格。一旦您找到适合您需要的供应商,我们就会把您链接到供应商网站,直接在他们的网站预订。


1st Backpacking - Day 2 : I arrived in Perlis

旅途中...On the way...
朦 胧睡梦中,似乎感觉到火车曾经停下来几次。大约早上六点钟,火车到达北海 (Butterworth)火车站,车上许多乘客陆续下车,当中不乏外国背包客,可是本地背包客你在哪里啊?发现本地人不是很喜欢在本地旅行,为什么?可 能在这里生活久了,觉得这里也不是一样~但是他们不曾发现本地的特色~

While I was sleeping, I felt that the train stop somewhere several times. The train arrived Butterworth about six in the morning, almost half of the passenger get down here, mostly foreigner backpackers, where gone local backpackers? I assumed local don't like to travel local, but why? Do you feel boring after staying here for some times? Just curious why the 'pearl' for foreigner becomes the 'sand' for local?


There is a huge paddy field along the journey from Butterworth to Perlis. Blue sky, green green field, sunrise behind the giant rock mountain, it's breath taking!

闹笑话.Funny Not?
火车在铁轨上行驶了13个小时,总于到达我的目的地-玻璃市大草场(Padang Besar, Perlis)。我呢,就在车站闹了一个笑话;出走闹笑话,我想没有一个背包客不曾试过吧!

I arrived at my destination after 13 hours journey on train...it was the longest journey I had ever have (in Malaysia).

我:Do you know how to go to Padang Besar?
他: You go straight and turn left, then get a chop and you may go to Padang Besar. Where's your passport?
我: I'm not going to HatYai, I'm going to Padang Besar.
他: Ya, go there and get a chop.

It was my first time to Perlis, by train. Alright, so it's not funny if I make a laughable mistake. When I get down from the train, I asked a Thai Guard for direction to get out to Padang Besar (Perlis), and these are the conversations between us.
Me: Do you know how to go to Padang Besar?
Him: You go straight and turn left, then get a chop and you may go to Padang Besar. Where's your passport?
Me: I'm not going to HatYai, I'm going to Padang Besar.
Him: Ya, go there and get a chop.

当 时我有点害怕,,一个女子在一个完全陌生的地方,如果我不能出去,我应该怎么办?我一直在想,大草场不是在马来西亚里吗?难道我的资料出错?不可能啊!为 什么要我去办入境手续,还问我护照在那里?我也没有带护照出来啊!我呆呆的站在原地几秒,看到KTM的职员走过(救星出现!),我赶紧走向前去问他。他告 诉我只要走到出口就会看到天桥,过了天桥就是大草场了。呼...原来如此,我没有看到那座被火车和人群挡着的天桥。好彩!!

He kept asking me take out my passport and get a chop over there despite I telling him I am NOT going to Thailand! Luckily I saw a Malaysian Guard and he gave me a correct direction, finally.

Padang Besar
过 了关卡检察,我安全的来到玻璃市-马来西亚最北端最小的州。当你到达时,会有许多人问你要不要租车,或者要不要德士等等,早有计划的我当然是拒绝他们的好 意咯!我走到大草场小镇(就在关卡外面),心里疑惑,怎么大草场小镇和我想象中的不一样,我想象中的大草场应该是有许多摊位,马来西亚货,泰国货,可是, 一个摊位都不见(后来才知道大草场集市在另一个地方)!

When I came out from the station, I was like yelling 'OMG!' It was not the scene I had imaging for months. There are only 2 rows of shops, few people around, it's even worst than my Kampung. I thought there would be a lot of stalls selling Thailand and Malaysian merchandises, and a lot of tourists there, a lot of transportation there...seems like I made a big mistake!

既 然不能购物,我就想到下一个目的地去,问了当地人巴士站在哪里,你猜猜看巴士站在哪里?就在一棵大树下!我在那里等了大约10分钟,觉得很不妥,不确定那 里是不是真的就是巴士站,而且那个小镇真的很小,一眼就看穿了,一辆巴士都没有,车辆也寥寥可数...心里一直在交战到底要不要叫德士?最后我屈服了,走 到德士站叫了一辆德士,他会载我到加基武吉吉林山/黑洞(Gua Kelam,Kaki Bukit),然后又载我到加央(Kangar).问了价钱,总共RM 40,我的心在淌血,好贵哦!我希望他可以减价,可是司机伯伯说已经减了...>.<||| 我看一看挂在墙上的价钱表: “大草场->加基武吉 RM 16.00, 大草场->加央 RM 24.00”
可是从大草场->加基武吉->加央竟然收我 RM 40??哈哈...16+24=40,他们的数学不是盖的!如果你们到那里旅游,吸取经验,跟他们拼过...嗯,我是说跟他们减价啦!

After waiting for bus for about 10 minutes, I lost my patient, I don't want to wait for the silly little bus anymore so I decided to take a teksi to my next destination. It was unbelievable expensive! It costs me RM40.00 to Gua Kelam then to Kangar. What else I can do but accept his offers, or I wish for miracle? A car drops from sky....

Gua Kelam (Dark Cave)

It took 20 mins to Dark Cave from Padang Besar. And the teksi uncle promised to wait me outside the Dark Cave while I exploring dark cave alone.

要 怎么形容那个地方呢?世外桃源?不好意思的说,在马政府的管理下,世外桃源都会变成超级垃圾场!吉林山还不至于那么恐怖,就只是缺乏妥善的管理,设施有些 破旧;吉林山入口被树林包围,有些许阴暗,当天又没有游客,四周围都很安静,夹杂着动物的叫声,一阵阵的微风吹过,如果只是一个人在那里的话,会觉得很恐 怖!既来之,则安之,我就胆粗粗的买了门票(RM1.00),独闯吉林山黑洞~

Hmm..How was dark cave looks like? Hard to answer. A little dirty, a little windy, a little ghostly , poor facilities...despite that dark cave is good to explore! The entrance ticket only costs RM1.00, cheap lah!

黑洞里的蝙蝠都聚集在前部,一走进山洞就闻到一股令我作呕的味道;蝙蝠粪便不是盖的,真的会熏死人~而且,我承认我胆小,洞里昏昏暗暗,我就只是走马看花,只希望快快走到亮的地方。黑洞是一座很长的洞穴,穿过大约 370 米长的石灰岩山丘,终点是一个叫做 Wan Tangga 的山谷。Wan Tangga 就是一个很大自然的地方,四周被高山,树林包围着;大大的地方,大大的树,小小的我~树林里的猴子时不时发出叫声,我就一直在想它们会不会冲出来~怕怕丫~我以后一定不会一个人去黑洞,怪恐怖的说~

There are a lot of bats gather in the front part of cave, thus the entrance is stink! Since its name DARK cave, inside the cave is DARK. The end point of the cave is a valley named Wan Tangga. Nice place except you wont know when are those monkeys will jump on your body from no where or tigers come out from no where! (kidding...kidding..) but the monkey thing is real.

从加基武吉到加央市大概需要30分钟,途中,司机伯伯带我经过一个很大很大很大的人造湖-Tasik Timah Tasoh,伯伯还说浮罗交怡的饮用水是从这里输过去的~一路上,伯伯一直在找话题和我说,而我就一直静静的~搞自闭的我似乎还转不过来

It was another 30 mins journey from Dark Cave to Kangar. Along the journey, teksi uncle tried so hard to chat with me but I am introversion type person, I don't talk much.

到了加央市,好心的伯伯还带我绕加央市,告 诉我巴士站,德士站在何处,还有介绍我一间便宜的旅馆。如果你们到大草场,有需要可以致电伯伯,017-5120882。伯伯介绍的正好就是我找的 Hotel Ban Cheong,真巧!Check-in房间,梳洗好了,我就倒头大睡,可能是昨晚一路颠簸,这一觉睡得真甜~zzZZZ

Kind teksi uncle brought me and show me around Kangar, telling me the location for bus station and teksi station. And he recommended me to a lodge as well which is the lodge I choose to go. If you happened to drop by Padang Besar, you may contact teksi uncle (017-5120992) for accommodation or transportation. This long travel took all my energy and I was exhausted!

睡 了一觉,起身一看,已经是下午四点了,下楼随便找了些吃的,然后就徒步参观加央市。走着,走着,我走到一个年久失修的玻璃市州博物馆。这两层的博物馆只开 放楼下一层,看来他们在整修第二层。博物馆里的东西也没有宣传单上那么多,我参观的就只是玻璃市王的一些介绍和照片,这博物馆的古籍和资料还真是少的可怜 啊~

After a nap, I went out looking for something to eat then I visited to Perlis Museum. This is a big museum (from the appearance itself) but there is nothing much inside.


When I was about to leave, a guard staring at me and asking me, where am I come from? Alone? I answered I am Malaysian and travel there with friends which I learned from someone's tips, never expose your real identity / situation when you are traveling alone, especially girl! But his reaction was kinda weird, seems like they never imagine Malaysian would visit to this small little town and this bug-nothing-much museum.

map of getting to museum



Kangar is real small, nothing much to see actually (or I don't know where to).

在这里忠告各位,如果你们入住Hotel Ban Cheong,尽可能不要住靠马路的房间,来来往往的车辆声可能会吵到你无法入眠!切记!

If you staying at Hotel Ban Cheong in Kangar, avoid the room next to the street which is extremely noisy and humid.

continue to
1st Backpacking - Day 3 : Here I come, Langkawi (1)

Best Hotel Rates

Best Hotel Rates是一个独特的搜索引擎,消费者能通过它查找酒店房价和有无空房等情况,比较多家酒店商的报价。通过我们的服务,旅行者再也不必一家家地搜索网站以寻找最佳交易和最低价格。一旦您找到适合您需要的供应商,我们就会把您链接到供应商网站,直接在他们的网站预订。